Our initiative on sustainability
Nitigura is commited to contribute to the realization of a sustainable social environment
and the improvement of people's quality of life by developing,
producing and selling products and services that provide safety and comfort.
We will carry out our business with goals from the perspectives of
"environment," "society," and "economy.", aiming for continuing
to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
by 2030 set by the United Nations.
The rich nature and beautiful global environment needs to be protected.
The earth gives us various benefits such as resources,
energy, food, and healing by beautiful and magnificent nature, etc.
However, problems such as environmental destruction caused
by the development of society cannot be overlooked.

Respect for human rights
World poverty and hunger,
and relative poverty in Japan have been talked about.
Human rights issues remain persistent such as cases
where not enough educational space is provided to children
who should create a bright future

Grow together with everyone with diversity
In a modern society that accepts diverse lifestyles and values and is changing,
there exists a clear need to create a workplace where everyone can work comfortably.
It is also crucial to foster human resources that are indispensable
for the sustainable growth of our business.